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North Western Fells Walking Routes

North Western Fell Walks Difficulty

Wainwrights In 64 Routes


Wainwrights In 45 Routes


Wainwrights In 36 Routes


Wainwrights In 64 Walks

(North Western Wainwrights)

Newlands Circular

​Newlands Circular Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 6

Name of Wainwrights - Cat Bells, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth and Robinson

Height of Wainwrights - 451m, 575m, 653m, 753m, 727m and 737m

Wainwright Location - 6 North Western Fells

Time of route - 5 Hours 30 Minutes

Total Distance - 17.1km

Total Ascent - 1020m

Total Descent - 1030m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Braithwaite Horseshoe

​Braithwaite Horseshoe Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights -10

Name of Wainwrights - Grisedale Pike, Hopegill Head, Whiteside, Grasmoor, Eel Crag, Sail, Scar Crags, Causey Pike, Outerside and Barrow

Height of Wainwrights - 791m, 770m, 707m, 852m, 839m, 773m 672m, 637m, 568m and 455m

Wainwright Location - 10 North Western Fells

Time of route - 7 Hours 30 Minutes

Total Distance - 22.6km

Total Ascent - 1340m

Total Descent - 1340m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Lorton Round

​Lorton Round Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 5

Name of Wainwrights - Greystones, Broom Fell, Lords Seat, Barf and Whinlatter

Height of Wainwrights - 452m, 511m, 552m, 469m and 517m
Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells

Time of route - 4 Hours 

Total Distance - 14.2km

Total Ascent - 600m

Total Descent - 600m​

Difficulty - Medium

Rannerdale Horseshoe

​Rannerdale Horseshoe Round Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 5

Name of Wainwrights - Rannerdale Knotts, Whiteless Pike, Wandope, Ard Crags and Knott Rigg

Height of Wainwrights - 355m, 660m, 772m, 581m and 556m

Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells.

Time of route - 5 Hours 30 Minutes 

Total Distance - 16km

Total Ascent - 1060m

Total Descent - 1060m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Sale Fell & Ling Fell

​Sale Fell & Ling FellRoute Stats


Number of Wainwrights -2

Name of Wainwrights - Sale Fell and Ling Fell

Height of Wainwrights - 359m and 373m

Wainwright Location - 2 North Western Fell

Time of route - 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Total Distance - 8.17km

Total Ascent - 540m

Total Descent - 540m​

Difficulty - Medium​

Castle Crag 

​Castle Crag Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 1

Name of Wainwrights - Castle Crag

Height of Wainwrights - 290m

Wainwright Location - 1 North Western Fells.

Time of route - 1 Hours

Total Distance - 3.76km

Total Ascent - 170m

Total Descent - 170m​

Difficulty - Easy​

Wainwrights In 45 Walks

(North Western Wainwrights)

The Wythop and Lorton Fells

​The Wythop and Lorton Fells Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 7

Name of Wainwrights - Graystones, Ling Fell, Sale Fell, Broom Fell, Lords Seat, Barf and Whinlatter

Height of Wainwrights - 456m, 373m, 359m, 511m, 552m, 468m and 517m

Wainwright Location - 7 North Western Fells

Time of route - 8Hours

Total Distance - 23.7km

Total Ascent - 1230m

Total Descent - 1230m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Dale Head Horseshoe

​Dale Head Horseshoe Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights -5

Name of Wainwrights - Hindscarth, Dale Head, High Spy, Maiden Moor and Cat Bells

Height of Wainwrights - 727m, 753m, 653m, 576m and 451m

Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells

Time of route - 5 Hours 

Total Distance - 14.5km

Total Ascent - 870m

Total Descent - 870m​

Difficulty - Medium​

Coledale Horseshoe

​Coledale Horseshoe Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 5

Name of Wainwrights - Grisedale Pike, Eel Crag, Sail, Outerside and Barrow 

Height of Wainwrights - 791m, 839m, 773m, 568m and 455m
Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells

Time of route - 5 Hours 45 Minutes

Total Distance - 13.9km

Total Ascent - 1000m

Total Descent - 1000m​

Difficulty - Medium

A Whiteside - Grasmere Round

​A Whiteside - Gramere Round Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 6

Name of Wainwrights - Whiteside, Hopegill Head, Grasmoor, Wandope, Whiteless Pike and Rannerdale Knotts

Height of Wainwrights - 707m, 770m, 852m, 772m, 660m and 355m

Wainwright Location - 6 North Western Fells.

Time of route - 7 Hours

Total Distance - 17.3km

Total Ascent - 1010m

Total Descent - 1010m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Borrowdale Fells

​Borrowdale Fells Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights -3

Name of Wainwrights - Glaramara, Rosthwaite Fell and Castle Crag

Height of Wainwrights - 783m, 551m and 290m

Wainwright Location - 2 Southern Fells and 1 North Western Fell

Time of route - 5 Hours 30 Minutes

Total Distance - 19.2km

Total Ascent - 920m

Total Descent - 920m​

Difficulty - Hard​

A Newlands Round

​A Newlands Round Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 5

Name of Wainwrights - Robinson, Knott Rigg, Ard Crags, Scar Crags and Causey Pike

Height of Wainwrights - 737m, 556m, 581m, 672m and 637m

Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells.

Time of route - 5 Hours

Total Distance - 14.2km

Total Ascent - 1020m

Total Descent - 1020m​

Difficulty - Hard​

Wainwrights In 36 Walks

(North Western Wainwrights)

The Wythop and Lorton Fells

​The Wythop and Lorton Fells Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 7

Name of Wainwrights - Graystones, Ling Fell, Sale Fell, Broom Fell, Lords Seat, Barf and Whinlatter

Height of Wainwrights - 456m, 373m, 359m, 511m, 552m, 468m and 517m

Wainwright Location - 7 North Western Fells

Time of route - 8Hours

Total Distance - 23.7km

Total Ascent - 1230m

Total Descent - 1230m​

Difficulty - Hard​

The Coledale Horseshoe

​The Coledale Horseshoe Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights -5

Name of Wainwrights - Grisdale Pike, Eel Crag, Sail, Outerside and Barrow

Height of Wainwrights - 791m, 839m, 773m, 568m and 455m

Wainwright Location - 5 North Western Fells

Time of route - 5 Hours 45 Minutes

Total Distance - 13.9km

Total Ascent - 1000m

Total Descent - 1000m​

Difficulty - Medium​

The Newlands Watershed

​The Newlands Watershed Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 10

Name of Wainwrights - Cat Bells, Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth, Robinson, Knott Rigg, Ard Crags, Scar Crags and Causey Pike

Height of Wainwrights - 451m, 575m, 653m, 753m, 727m, 737m, 556m, 581m, 672m and 637m
Wainwright Location - 10 North Western Fells

Time of route - Hours

Total Distance -22km

Total Ascent - 1470m

Total Descent - 1480m​

Difficulty - Hard​

A Whiteside - Grasmere Round

​A Whiteside - Gramere Round Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights - 6

Name of Wainwrights - Whiteside, Hopegill Head, Grasmoor, Wandope, Whiteless Pike and Rannerdale Knotts

Height of Wainwrights - 707m, 770m, 852m, 772m, 660m and 355m

Wainwright Location - 6 North Western Fells.

Time of route - 7 Hours

Total Distance - 17.3km

Total Ascent - 1010m

Total Descent - 1010m​

Difficulty - Hard​

A Stonethwaite Medley

​A Stonethwaite Medley Route Stats


Number of Wainwrights -6

Name of Wainwrights - Eagle Crag, Sergeants Crag, Ullscarf, Great Crag, Grange Fell and Castle Crag.

Height of Wainwrights - 525m, 571m, 726m, 449m, 416m and 290m

Wainwright Location - 5 Central Fells and 1 North Western Fell.

Time of route - 7 Hours 

Total Distance - 21.8km

Total Ascent - 940m

Total Descent - 940m​

Difficulty - Hard​

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